Katie Almeida Spencer
Apple Blossom parents were invited to a very special event on Wednesday, November 6th called the “Lantern Walk.” Unlike the boisterous and merry solstice parties in June and September, this was a quiet event (as quiet as a bunch of preschoolers and pre-k kids can be!) to prepare for the long darkness of winter.
Ms. Maud recited a story and to my absolute delight, the students all started singing “I go with my bright little lantern” halfway through the story! Imagine a circle of children around a fire singing,
I go with my bright little lantern,
my lantern is going with me.
In heaven the stars are shining,
on Earth shines my lantern with me.
The light grows dim as we go in
La bimba la bamba la bim.
The light grows dim as we go in
La bimba la bamba la bim.
There is nothing quite like the sound of littles singing together to make your heart swell with joy and pride.
When Ms. Maud was done, the children went to get the fire fairy lanterns that they had made earlier that week. The teachers had completed each with an electric candle, and my goodness, more joy and pride!
The teachers led the students and parents through a Lantern Walk that wound around the backyard of Apple Blossom. The teachers and students started singing again, and by this time, the sun had set.
It is no small feat to bring magic to a Wednesday night with toddlers and preschoolers, yet it was truly magical to be part of this snaking line of 3, 4, and 5-year-olds singing while holding their handmade lanterns in the approaching twilight. To top it all off, Ms. Marcy had made split pea soup for everyone to take home - complete with bags of rolls (it’s the Waldorf parent’s version of dinner and a show!).
At a time when the hustle of the holidays and the dread of winter are pressing down on many of us, this was a lovely midweek pause and chance to reset and reflect.